One of the most important skills to learn in software development is mastery in the art of RTFM. As your Sensei, I am obliged to bestow upon you the knowledge to this ancient yet most mysterious and elusive of skills.
As you advance in your game development journey, may it guide you where other techniques have failed. Put them to good use. And perhaps also put them in your bookmarks list as well.
The Roblox API
The Roblox API reference documents every available class, datatype, properties, functions, and more. When applicable, important usage notes are also included. Although limited in usefulness as a learning tool for beginners, this is the most authoritative and comprehensive source for the Roblox engine, making it an important resource.
Throughout this series, I will refer to it often.
Lua “PIL”
While the API is a reference specific to the Roblox platform, Roblox is not the creator nor maintainer of the language and not a comprehensive source for the language.
The Lua PIL is a more in-depth reference specific to the language. Like the API, the PIL will include important usages notes.